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Class Descriptions

Hatha Flow
a strength-building, foundation-focused class - holding in poses to encourage alignment and learning to sync the breath with flowing vinyasa movement - a great class to begin your journey with - all levels welcome
Power Stretch & Flow
designed to push you out of your comfort zone a bit and into your power, starting slow & stretchy & expanding to heat-building vinyasa flows, modifications offered throughout class to cater to all levels

Yin Yoga
yin targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, and joints - it’s slower and more meditative, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body, holding floor-based poses for a longer period of time

Slow Flow
a dynamic & playful flow with the aim of creating a safe space for you to move your body - think a slowed down Vinyasa Flow with less chaturangas and more focus on postures, challenging your strength and concentration - mindfully move through a slow sequence for strength, flexibility, and alignment while finding longer holds of postures

various meditation techniques offered to help calm your mind & bring more peace, vitality, and presence to your life (guided visualizations, yoga Nidra, loving-kindness, mantra, chakra, & more)

Vibrant Vinyasa
an energetic, creative vinyasa class designed for those that want to build strength & heat through consistent flowing movement

Somatic Yoga
combining asana, embodied & energetic movement, and breathwork to find a deeper sense of connection to body & heart - allow your body to move intuitively within each pose and learn new techniques to help ease stress & tension

Yoga Nidra
translates to "yogic sleep", is a journey deep into your subconscious to promote strength, clarity, and healing - your teacher takes you through a specific series of guided meditations to lull your body into a state of deep relaxation while your mind remains fully awake​

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